45 Parallel Woodworking is Casey Traylor

Casey is a forest creature native to Vernonia, Oregon. After his family moved to the East Coast, he began woodworking and building furniture out of his living room in New Jersey.

Unable to afford power tools, Casey learned the lost arts of craftsmanship using the hand tools of our forebears. He specializes in hand-cut joinery and building beautiful, strong, and functional furniture and custom pieces. Casey collects and restores antique tools, particularly hand planes and chisels. Casey also teaches others how to sharpen and maintain tools; every tool in his shop is sharp enough to shave with.

In 2019, Casey moved back to Oregon to be close to family and attend carpentry school at Portland Community College. He graduated in 2022 with a AAS in Building Construction Technology along with an AAS in Design/Build and Remodeling. When not crafting beautiful pieces, he can be found lamenting the Philadelphia Flyers, mentoring other up-and-coming craftspeople, or watching Formula 1.

Now in Salem, Oregon, Casey’s fine woodworking and frame-to-finish carpentry and design skills allow him to tackle anything you can dream up. Get in touch to talk about a custom piece, idea, or commission.


Custom Furniture
Custom Woodworking
Antique Tool Restoration
Tool Sharpening and Maintenence
Frame-to-Finish Carpentry
Design and Drafting

Casey with his supervisor, Shop Cat Senna, an active and enthusiastic helper at 45 Parallel Woodworking